Service for depositing and withdrawing USDT


  • Speed

    Instant and secure transactions

  • Accessibility

    The ability to quickly share the other title units

  • Convenience

    Pay at more than 100 000 online stores worldwide

  • Security

    Service WebMoney Escrow for transactions protection, service WebMoney Arbitration for resolving disputes

Overview of external markets

ExchangeRate, USDVolum per 24 h., USDTVolume at Depth -2%Volume at Depth +2%
Coinbase 1.0004 571 216 310 1 997 344 usd за 1 995 075 usdt 3 806 812 usdt за 3 806 661 usd
Kraken 1.0004 243 899 202 8 545 871 usd за 8 525 112 usdt 4 099 677 usdt за 4 085 378 usd
Bitfinex 0.9998 78 692 700 39 617 446 usd за 39 722 866 usdt 116 126 174 usdt за 463 166 113 usd 1.0004 3 270 422 5 418 995 usd за 5 384 093 usdt 5 253 479 usdt за 5 247 443 usd
BTSE 1.0004 1 853 585 5 552 750 usd за 5 545 231 usdt 5 602 635 usdt за 5 598 881 usd
AscendEX 1.0005 225 232 45 324 usd за 45 235 usdt 49 091 usdt за 49 041 usd 1.2704 92 090 170 445 usd за 132 719 usdt 252 451 usdt за 317 004 usd
YObit 0.9985 24 207 2 850 usd за 2 820 usdt 41 982 usdt за 41 525 usd
CEX.IO 1.0001 200 2 668 561 usd за 2 654 188 usdt 2 668 314 usdt за 2 654 106 usd