Service for depositing and withdrawing USDT


  • Speed

    Instant and secure transactions

  • Accessibility

    The ability to quickly share the other title units

  • Convenience

    Pay at more than 100 000 online stores worldwide

  • Security

    Service WebMoney Escrow for transactions protection, service WebMoney Arbitration for resolving disputes

Overview of external markets

ExchangeRate, USDVolum per 24 h., USDTVolume at Depth -2%Volume at Depth +2%
Coinbase Pro 0.9998 71 950 096 7 818 213 usd за 7 816 114 usdt 1 527 622 usdt за 1 525 011 usd
Kraken 1.0000 34 507 644 22 258 328 usd за 22 239 907 usdt 7 202 129 usdt за 7 171 369 usd
BTSE 1.0001 595 017 10 399 328 usd за 10 375 147 usdt 10 642 627 usdt за 10 619 766 usd 0.9998 304 061 2 184 581 usd за 2 178 178 usdt 2 406 201 usdt за 2 399 654 usd
AscendEX 0.9999 212 675 36 597 usd за 36 546 usdt 44 152 usdt за 44 082 usd 1.2448 21 461 451 256 usd за 361 168 usdt 134 945 usdt за 167 095 usd
OKCoin 1.0026 3 331 5 509 usd за 5 468 usdt 19 277 usdt за 19 233 usd
YObit 1.0498 1 740 10 803 usd за 10 227 usdt 1 539 usdt за 1 608 usd
CEX.IO 1.0001 200 2 666 811 usd за 2 652 511 usdt 2 667 214 usdt за 2 653 005 usd